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This section contains agency-quality web design tutorials as they relate to Bootstrap. Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web

How to Create a Department Listing or Directory Page (Part 1)
Web Design Navigation Bootstrap

How to Create a Department Listing or Directory Page (Part 1)

If you have multiple departments or directories in your organization, it’s important to create a single page that lists important info as well as links to separate pages.

How to Add Additional Links with Easy-to-Use Boxes Based on Bootstrap Columns
Bootstrap Navigation Search Web Design

How to Add Additional Links with Easy-to-Use Boxes Based on Bootstrap Columns

Often you need to add additional or relevant links to the bottom of your content. Do so with style using some simple boxes and default Bootstrap columns.

How to Create Stylish, Informative Breadcrumbs
Web Design Navigation Bootstrap

How to Create Stylish, Informative Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are fantastic UI components that help the user navigate across a given website. They can also further your branding and web design efforts.

How to Use Absolute Positioning with Your Images
Web Design Bootstrap

How to Use Absolute Positioning with Your Images

Your guide to using absolute bottom positioning with your images so that they are fixed and appear to peek over a designated break line.

How to Use Javascript to Make Bootstrap Rows Clickable
Web Design Navigation Bootstrap

How to Use Javascript to Make Bootstrap Rows Clickable

You can make basic Bootstrap rows entirely clickable as a link utilizing the JavaScript “onclick” function.

Build a Fixed Top Navigation that Disappears as Users Scroll
Bootstrap Web Design Navigation

Build a Fixed Top Navigation that Disappears as Users Scroll

Fixed top navigation better allows your users to navigate your site as they go through its content. However, fully fixed navigations can often take up precious real estate as a user scrolls down a page. The solution? Have fixed navigation that only shows as a user scrolls back up.

How to Use Bootstrap Columns to Create a Stacked List of Features
Web Design Bootstrap

How to Use Bootstrap Columns to Create a Stacked List of Features

Need to highlight your product’s features? List them in a distinctive column using default Bootstrap.

How to Make an Image Fill the Page Margins
Web Design Bootstrap

How to Make an Image Fill the Page Margins

When using Bootstrap containers, your image and text section will by default have padding on either side of it. Often, however, you will want your image to meet the page’s edge without padding.

How to Combine FontAwesome with a Slider to Create Quick Links
Web Design Navigation Bootstrap Sliders

How to Combine FontAwesome with a Slider to Create Quick Links

Getting users quickly to their end destination can be tricky. With strategic icons and simple text, however, you can help your audience quickly find what they need.

Create Showcase Section with Bootstrap Nav-Pills
Web Design Bootstrap

Create Showcase Section with Bootstrap Nav-Pills

With nav pills, you can highlight your products, services, or values in an easy-to-use content showcase.

How to Create Service Boxes with Text Hovers
Web Design Bootstrap

How to Create Service Boxes with Text Hovers

Give your visitors additional information without compromising on sleek visual design by using these service boxes with text hovers.

How to Create Clickable Image Overlays
Web Design Bootstrap

How to Create Clickable Image Overlays

Are you an organization with multiple locations? Here's how to make a custom map to showcase more information about your business on your map feature.

How to Create a Hero with a Video Background
Bootstrap Web Design

How to Create a Hero with a Video Background

Video content remains some of the highest-converting content on your website, and hero images are one of the first ways your audience interacts with your brand. Here's how to combine the power of video with the eye-catching design of a hero banner.

Making Your YouTube Embeds Mobile Responsive with Bootstrap
Web Design Bootstrap

Making Your YouTube Embeds Mobile Responsive with Bootstrap

Mobile video is more than just a trend; it's becoming the norm. Here's how to ensure your YouTube video embeds still look great and function properly on your website using Bootstrap.

Ultimate Guide to Understanding Bootstrap Tables
Web Design Bootstrap

Ultimate Guide to Understanding Bootstrap Tables

Tables don't have to be the most frustrating element of your web design. Bootstrap classes can help style your tables with a wide array of formats in no time at all.

How to Validate Forms with Bootstrap
Web Design Bootstrap

How to Validate Forms with Bootstrap

Validating forms found on your website is one of the most critical elements of gathering information from your site's visitors. Here's an easy way to validate forms using Bootstrap.

How to Use Bootstrap Accordions to Organize FAQ Pages
Web Design Bootstrap

How to Use Bootstrap Accordions to Organize FAQ Pages

FAQs are some of the most helpful pages on a website. Here's how to consolidate and style them in a way that makes sense to users without overwhelming them with copy.

Using Lazy Load Images within a Bootstrap Grid
Web Design Bootstrap

Using Lazy Load Images within a Bootstrap Grid

Combat slow website speeds with a simple tutorial of lazy loading your images using a Bootstrap Grid.

Craft a Beautiful Web Design for your Portfolio Showcase
Web Design Bootstrap

Craft a Beautiful Web Design for your Portfolio Showcase

In this tutorial Solodev will show you how to create an amazing portfolio to showcase your work in a way that allows for total design freedom and lazy loads your images to increase page speed

Adding a Filter to your Search Input using Bootstrap
Web Design Bootstrap Search

Adding a Filter to your Search Input using Bootstrap

In this article, we teach you how to add a category filter to your site search to provide more relevant search results to website visitors.

Adding Sectional Tabs to your Homepage
Web Design Bootstrap

Adding Sectional Tabs to your Homepage

Including sectional content in individual tabs allows you to drastically increase the amount of content you include on a page while allowing you to work with, rather than against, your design.

Building Lists with Font Awesome and Bootstrap
Web Design Bootstrap

Building Lists with Font Awesome and Bootstrap

In this article we will explore different ways to build lists using Font Awesome Icons and Bootstrap Components.

Adding News & Events Tabs
Web Design Bootstrap

Adding News & Events Tabs

Displaying a list of your organization’s news and upcoming events helps keep your site’s audience informed.

Creating a Team Page with Bootstrap
Web Design Bootstrap

Creating a Team Page with Bootstrap

Showcasing your team on your website adds a necessary human element to your brand. In this article we will show you the basics of creating a team section of your website using the popular Bootstrap framework.

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