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Weekly Roundup: Five Days of Code

Hero Sliders, Social Share, Infinite Carousels, Footer Forms, Google Custom Search, and Side Navigation...

Every week new tutorials are posted to the growing Solodev Web Design Blog! Here is a short list of what was added the week of July 18th and a few highlights of what is to come next week!

Adding Google Custom Search to your Website

Adding Google Custom Search to your Website

It's imperative your users have a reliable and easy method for finding your content. What better way to achieve this than including search powered by Google?  

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Adding a Hero Slider to your Homepage Using Slick Slider

Adding a Hero Slider to your Homepage Using Slick Slider

An effective homepage slider ideally provides users with the most valuable content on your site aligned with your goals and prompts them to take action...

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Adding Side Navigation to your Website

Adding Side Navigation to your Website

Adding side navigation to your website allows you to deliver an improved user experience (UX) and makes it easier for users to traverse your website. Side navigation also allows you to add more content and functionality such as social share and search to your website navigation while maintaining a clean, modern design..

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Implementing Social Share on your Website

Implementing Social Share on your Website

Including social share on your website is crucial to making it easy for users and site visitors to share your content with their respective social media networks. However, every social network has a different method of enabling you to do this. You essentially have to go to every social network and adopt their sharing method...

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Convert More Website Visitors with Footer Forms

Convert More Website Visitors with Footer Forms

Data shows that adding a footer contact form to every page of your website actually increases conversions by 31% as users are more likely to contact you if doing so is easy and does not require visiting a dedicated web page...

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Adding an Infinite Carousel to your Website

Adding an Infinite Carousel to your Website

In Part II of our Slick Slider Series, we show you how to add a carousel of your client's logos to your website using Slick Slider by Ken Wheeler.

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Matthieu McClintock
Contributions Editor here at Solodev. Want to be featured on the Solodev Blog? Get in touch.
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