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Weekly Roundup 6: Five Days of Code

Form Popups, Scroll-to-Top Buttons, Pricing Page Designs, HTML Email Templates, Forgot Password Pages...

Every week new tutorials are posted to the growing Solodev Web Design Blog! Here is a short list of what was added the week of August 22nd!

Designing an Effective Forgot Password Page

In Part III of our User Portal Series, we will walk you through building a forgot password page. Your forgot password page is likely to receive more traffic than you may anticipate so make it as intuitive and user friendly as possible.

Effective Forgot Password Page

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Adding a Form Popup to your Sticky Tab

Providing easy ways for users to sign up for your product or service without having to search through your website is crucial to success online. Adding a Sticky Tab to your website allows you to convert more website visitors by allowing them to easily click the sticky tab and fill out a popup form anywhere on your website.

Form Popup for Sticky Tab

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Designing a Pricing Page That Sells

Pricing Page

Selling products and services online requires an intuitive and informative pricing page that gets across the benefits, pricing, and value that each of your plans provide in a clear and concise design. A/B testing your various designs as well as copy will steer you in the direction of what pricing page converts the most website visitors into paying customers.

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Add a Scroll-to-Top Button to your Website

Scroll to Top Button

Adding a sticky scroll-to-top button to your website adds further ease of navigation to your website by allowing a user to scroll to the top of any given web page with the click of a button.

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Crafting an HTML Email Template

HTML email template

Sending emails to customers or leads is essential to the growth of your business. Although many email marketing platforms provide drag and drop email builders, they are confined to cookie cutter themes. This article will provide you with a customizable HTML email template.

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Matthieu McClintock
Contributions Editor here at Solodev. Want to be featured on the Solodev Blog? Get in touch.
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