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This Month In Code: April's Web Design Roundup

Top Three Parallax Implementations, CSS Transitions and Transforms, The Underuse of Metadata in Optimization, 5 Things to Consider when Creating a Landing Page, Crafting a Beautiful Web Design for your Portfolio

Top Three Parallax Implementations

Parallax Implementations

Parallax creates a depth and transition effect when scrolling down your web pages to the content below. The following tutorials shows you different ways to add parallax to your website.

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CSS Transitions and Transforms

CSS Transitions and Transforms

CSS transitions and transforms can create animations that enhance the user experience on your website. In this tutorial you'll see practical implementations of CSS transition properties to define durations, delays, and easing functions as well as CSS transforms that allow you to rotate, scale, and move elements.

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The Underuse of Metadata in Optimization

The Underuse of Metadata in Optimization

When it comes to your content optimization project, metadata is often overlooked. If used at all, many tend to focus strictly on the basics such as a meta title and meta description. While those tags are certainly important, they nonetheless only scratch the surface of the full scope of meta tag optimization. This tutorial contains some of the more neglected meta tags that can be used to help better optimize your content and website.

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5 Things to Consider When Creating a Landing Page

5 Things to Consider When Creating a Landing Page

Landing pages are a huge part of any inbound marketing strategy for lead generation. Each campaign you run should have its own landing page. There are several statistics out there back up the fact that the more landing pages you have, the more leads you will receive. Choosing a content management system that easily allows you to craft landing pages is essential to a successful landing page strategy.

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Craft a Beautiful Web Design for your Portfolio

Craft a Beautiful Web Design for your Portfolio

A majority of websites are places to showcase your work whether it is a personal portfolio, a client portfolio, or even an offering of products or services. In this tutorial we are utilizing echo.js to lazy load the images in your portfolio so you have a wonderfully designed portfolio without compromising on page speed or web design.

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Matthieu McClintock
Contributions Editor here at Solodev. Want to be featured on the Solodev Blog? Get in touch.
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