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How to Add Icon Boxes to Your Homepage Slider

Spice up your website's branding cohesion with simple icon boxes with a homepage slider.

While your website's main hero or slider section is ideal to present your organization's initial branding, navigation elements can help brand your website more. A select list of quick links underneath provide greater navigational options to your users. Combined with choice icons, you can further extend your branding in a concise design space.

Here's how to add icon boxes to your homepage slider: 



Now to add the other stylistic elements of the icons themselves:

"Ain't they a beaut?" Not only was this tutorial a functional way to further brand your website, it's a genuinely appealing visual element. Be sure to adjust your browser window to see how the tutorial looks on various screen sizes.

Scott Madara
Contributions Editor here at Solodev. Want to be featured on the Solodev Blog? Get in touch.
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