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Building an Effective Client Showcase with Solodev

Showing off your clients and how your product or service has benefited them is integral to sales growth.


Build an Effective Client Showcase Using Solodev CMS

Solodev Required

This tutorial covers building a client showcase module in Solodev using shortcodes.

Note: To learn more about creating a client showcase module in Solodev, check out our in-depth technical documentation. Not using Solodev? Check out our pure HTML5 tutorial.

Showing off your clients and how your product or service has benefited them is integral to sales growth. Displaying them effectively so that potential clients can find relevance in the content you display is crucial to growing your business.

Part I - Creating the Client Overview Page

The overview page will display all of the client logos across the page as shown above.

Step 1 - Create your Client Showcase Module

Open the folder to which you want to add your client module. Hover over the Add button and select Calendar.

Add Calendar

Note: You can add a module to any location within the Solodev system; however, we recommend creating a dedicated "modules" folder inside the "web files" directory in order to keep all of your modules organized and easy to find.

For enterprise users, we suggest creating your modules inside your "Data Center" directory.

Step 2 - Upload your Client Showcase Form

The code below will add the appropriate fields to your client showcase module. First you will need to save this code to your computer as a simple text document with .tpl at the end of the file name such as "client-form.tpl".


Click on Upload Form and select the file you just saved. Then click Submit.

Upload Form

Step 3 - Enable your Photo Gallery

Open the Website Properties Tab and check the Enable Photo Gallery checkbox. Then click Submit.

Enable Photo Gallery

Step 4 - Create your Repeater Template

Copy and paste the code below into a new file called repeater.tpl inside your module folder


Note - the only thing that needs to be edited in this code, is the following section:

repeater id="" limit="0,9" type="calendar"

The repeater id="" needs the ID of the logo carousel manager. Open the logo carousel manager and look for the ID at the top left under the name of the module. Place the ID number inside the quotes ("").

The image below outlines where to find the ID of the module.

Style your Client Showcase

Step 5 - Style your Client Showcase

Add the CSS below to a file called clients.css in the 'CSS' folder of your assets

Note: Best Practices suggest creating a folder in the 'www' directory called 'assets' where your CSS, JS, Images, etc. folders and their corresponding assets live.

Step 6 - Add your repeater template to your index page

Navigate to the index page that will contain your repeater template. In order to place the file into your STML, you need to select the Dynamic Div (Drop Zone) in which you’d like to place it by clicking on it.

Note: If you have not already done so, create a page called index.stml in the folder in which your index and detail pages will live in the 'www' folder, in this case "clients".

Dynamic Div

Part II - Creating the Client Detail Page

The client detail page displays the detail information for each entry. In this case it will contain the main image, title, client intro and client description.

Step 1 - Create your Detail Template

Open your client module folder by clicking on it in the left hand nav. Hover over Add button and select File. Name the file and make sure you use .tpl at the end of the file name. Paste the code below into the file. Then click Save.

Step 2 - Add your detail template to your detail page

To display the detail information of the clients, you will need to create a detail page (detail.stml) in the same folder as your index.stml page. In order to place the file into your STML, you need to click on the Dynamic Div into which you would like to place it as shown below.

Dynamic Div

Part III - Map your Module to your STMLs

Now that you have created the client module and have the index and detail pages in place, you will need to map the Module to your new folder and index and detail pages.

Step 1 - Modify your Client Showcase Module

Open the client module by selecting it from the left hand file tree. Click the Modify button. Open the Website Properties tab. Scroll down until you see the SEO URL Encoding field and click Browse. Select the page containing your detail template. Click Ok.

Modify your Client Showcase Module

Step 2 - Select your Asset Category Map Anchor

Next to the SEO URL Encoding Input Field is the Asset Category Map Anchor (Folder Anchor) field. Click Browse and a new modal will popup displaying various folders - select the folder storing the index.stml and detail.stml pages of your module and click Ok, then click Submit in the bottom right of the page.

Select your Asset Category Map Anchor

Step 3 - Add Entries to your Client Showcase

Add a client name, supporting text, an intro, upload a client logo, add a description and select a category for the entry.

Add Entries to your Client Showcase

If you followed the steps above correctly and click on one of the logos on your index page, you will be redirected to the detail page of that particular client as shown below.

Client Showcase

Congratulations! You've successfully built your first module in Solodev! To learn more about building modules in Solodev, check out our in-depth documentation!

Learn More

Matthieu McClintock
Contributions Editor here at Solodev. Want to be featured on the Solodev Blog? Get in touch.
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