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Creating a Team Module with Solodev

Showcasing your team on your website adds a necessary human element to your brand. In this article we will show you the basics of creating a team module in Solodev.

Solodev Required

This tutorial covers building a team module in Solodev using shortcodes.

Note: To learn more about creating a team module in Solodev, check out our in-depth technical documentation

Showcasing your team on your website puts a face to a name and adds a human element to your brand. In this article we will show you the basics of creating a team module in Solodev using shortcodes. An advanced version of this tutorial will be available in the coming weeks.

Step 1 - Create your Team Module

Open the folder to which you want to add your team module. Hover over the Add button and select Calendar.

Add Calendar

Note: You can add a module to any location within the Solodev system; however, we recommend creating a dedicated "modules" folder inside the "web files" directory in order to keep all of your modules organized and easy to find.

For enterprise users, we suggest creating your modules inside your "Data Center" directory.

Step 2 - Upload your Team Form

Copy and paste the code found at the link below to a simple text document with .tpl at the end of the file name such as "team-form.tpl".


Click on Upload Form and select the file you just saved. Then click Submit.

Step 3 - Create your Repeater Template

Copy and paste the code found at the link below to a simple text document with .tpl at the end of the file name such as team-repeater.tpl inside your module folder

Note - the only thing that needs to be edited in this code, is the following section:

repeater id="" limit="0,9" type="calendar"

The repeater id="" needs the ID of the blog module. Open the blog module and look for the ID at the top left under the name of the module. Place the ID number inside the quotes ("").

The image below outlines where to find the ID of the module.

Create your Repeater Template

Step 4 - Style your Team Module

Download the file below and copy and paste the CSS into the main stylesheet of your website


Step 5 - Add entries to your module

Now that you have created the team module it's time to add team entries. Open your team module and click Add Entry as shown below.

Style your Team Module

Fill out your form fields (created when you uploaded your form) and click Save.

Style your Team Module

Step 6 - Add your repeater template to an STML (Web Page)

Click Add->STML, name your page, select its parent folder and template. Click Save.

Add your repeater template to an STML

Navigate to the repeater file in the left tree and select the dynamic div on your new web page and click on the repeater file as shown below.

Add your repeater template to an STML

If you followed the steps above correctly your team page should appear as shown below.

Team Page

Congratulations! You've successfully built your first module in Solodev! To learn more about building modules in Solodev, check out our in-depth documentation!

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Matthieu McClintock
Contributions Editor here at Solodev. Want to be featured on the Solodev Blog? Get in touch.
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