Shutterstock offers a beautiful library of royalty-free stock photos directly through Solodev! With just a few clicks, you can browse and purchase images for your blog or web page.

Product Features

Power your creativity with amazing imagery from Shutterstock, the leading digital platform for stock photography! Fully integrated with Solodev, Shutterstock offers one of the world's most expansive libraries of royalty-free images, available directly through Solodev CMS. 

  • Browse thousands of images: With Shutterstock, you'll have access to an incredible library of world-class content from talented photographers.
  • Advanced search and filtering: Shutterstock's rich search features help you find exactly what you're looking for. Filter based on keywords, colors and more – so you can find the perfect photo. 
  • Royalty-free licensing: Purchase a Shutterstock image and use it anywhere on your Solodev website! Spice up a recipe blog with a high-quality food image or add a breathtaking photo of the Rocky Mountains. Make it beautiful with a wide variety of amazing photography at your fingertips.
  • $10 per image: Download individual photos for just $10 each without buying a subscription or pack. 
  • Subscription and Enterprise plans: Choose from 10 or 50 images a month, or build a custom plan for large enterprise teams

Product Details

Get access to Shutterstock directly through Solodev CMS:

  • Browse thousands of royalty-free images
  • Search with rich filtering for keywords, color, and more
  • Download images in seconds
  • Use directly on a blog or web page
  • Purchase individual images or monthly subscriptions 
  • Custom Enterprise plans available


Support is handled directly through global Help Center at


Contact us for help getting your account set up and running optimally.

Pricing and installation


Shutterstock Enterprise

  • Exclusive pricing
  • Multiple users
  • Browse millions of images
  • Premier stock library

Shutterstock is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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