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Contact Form

by Solodev

Allows users to submit a web form in order to ask questions, leave feedback, and communicate with you directly.

Product Features

  • Customize form fields. Name, email address, and message fields might be enough for some companies. In case you need more; however, the form fields can be customized to meet your website's needs.
  • Link to relevant information. Showcase links to other pages on your website to help customers get the answers they need before ever hitting "send" on a contact sheet.
  • Quickly connect to email accounts. Your customers' messages won't get lost online. The Contact Form manager makes it easy to send form submissions to the inbox of whoever needs them.

Product Details

With the Contact Form Manager, you can embed this web form into any template and start receiving submissions at light speed. Customize form fields to fit your sales and marketing needs.

You can also give visitors the opportunity to find the answers to questions they might have by showcasing links to helpful pages throughout your website. By linking to FAQ pages, helpful content, or relevant events, you can free your sales or customer service team up from answering repetitive questions.

Pricing and installation

Contact Form

Contact Form Standard

Contact Form is governed by Solodev terms and policies.