Easy and Affordable End-User Experience Monitoring. Complete monitoring combines synthetic and real user monitoring for ultimate visibility and enhanced troubleshooting.

Product Features

Before you push a change into production, make sure it isn’t going to have a negative impact on the availability or performance of your web application. Test performance while in development and troubleshoot issues in production—identify bottlenecks, get actionable insights, and speed up your website. With uptime monitoring, you can avoid unnecessary downtime and be alerted as soon as your site isn’t available. Page speed monitoring will help you make optimization decisions armed with the size and load time of every element. Synthetic monitoring features:

  • Uptime monitoring: monitor site availability from over 100+ locations worldwide.
  • Page speed analysis: know when and why your website is slow to help you troubleshoot fast and provide the best service to customers.
  • Transaction monitoring: test simple or highly complex transactions, such as: new user registrations, user login, search, shopping cart checkout, URL hijacking, and more.

Product Details

SolarWinds Pingdom complete website monitoring platform can help you reach your website goals. Simulate visitor interaction with your site or web app to know if and when critical pages or flows stop working correctly.


Support is handled directly through global Help Center with access to free online documentation at help.pingdom.com.


Please contact us to help getting your account set up and running optimally.

Pricing and installation


Pingdom Synthetic Monitoring

  • 10 uptime checks
  • 1 advanced check
  • 50 SMS
  • Transaction monitoring
  • Page speed monitoring
  • Uptime monitoring
  • And more

Pingdom is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Pingdom Real User Monitoring

  • 100k pageviews
  • Unlimited number of sites
  • Unlimited users
  • Shareable reports
  • And more

Pingdom is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Pingdom Enterprise

  • From 500K to 5M pageviews per month
  • Scale regardless of the size of your digital footprint
  • Full-stack application monitoring
  • Advanced, enterprise-grade tools
  • Deep insights and reporting
  • And more

Pingdom is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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