Sign up for Solodev

Power your organization in the cloud with Solodev Enterprise

Customer Info

This is the full name of your business.

This is the unique identifier for your organization, like a username.

Use at least 8 characters long with a number, an uppercase letter and a special character.

Payment Method

Include a credit card to purchase apps, containers, and other services.

    Your billing statement will display Solodev, located in 800 North Magnolia Ave, Orlando, FL 32803, United States.
    Your credit card issuer may charge foreign transaction or cross-border fees in addition to the total price.

    By clicking "Create Account" you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Statement. We'll occasionally send you account related emails.

    The largest ecosystem of apps & services

    Launch your experiences with the largest selection of best-of-breed apps, DevOps tools and advanced cloud services from AWS.

    Accelerate your digital transformation

    Take your enterprise digital transformation to the next level with advanced DevOps tools, AWS cloud services, high availability Kubernetes clusters and more.

    Add world-class 24/7 support

    Get access to dedicated U.S.-based maintenance and support for your enterprise deployment.

    Need a custom solution?

    Contact our sales team +1-800-859-7656 Rocket Spacebear holding a blueprint of AWS